Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 14: Halfway Through the Challenge!!

Day 14!! Made it to the halfway point! Wow!! I'm learning a lot about my cooking and eating habits and have made observations on how my body feels without animal products, and added salt, oil and sugar. I have not had intentional distress or heartburn in the last 14 days. That's awesome! I typically would get a lot of gurgling, bloating, irregularity and other charming bodily responses from eating overly processed, oily, fatty and sugary foods. So, I feel a little more...confident...after eating my E2 foods. The only thing I've been feeling the past couple days that is a little troubling is some dizziness. But, I don't think I got enough to eat in the last two days. 

This is where my speech about planning ahead comes into play again. I didn't have enough on hand yesterday, so just didn't eat as much, which may have contributed to the dizziness. I also didn't have anymore Raisin Bran fixins in the house, so had to wait to eat breakfast until I got to the store to grab a Larabar. Larabars are awesome, but be mindful of the flavor you choose. Some have added salt or coconut oil. But the Key Lime Pie, Cherry Pie, Blueberry Muffin and Pecan Pie flavors are all just fruit, nuts and sometimes juice. 

Anyway, back to the dizziness, I think that can be avoided by being better stocked. That being said, I'll continue to monitor it. If I feel worse, I'll look for options on how to fix it, even if it means breaking my challenge. I wouldn't want that, but I'm in the public eye and want to make decisions I'd want my readers to also make. Personal health and safety come first. But, I'm pretty sure I just didn't eat enough. 

The Larabar held me over until I got to work, where I picked up more snacks. I got another box of the Engine 2 Seeds and Spice Crispbreads and a package of our homemade guacamole. There is some salt in it, but not much and it's all fresh made here so I let it slide. This was a delicious snack!

On my 15 minute break, I wanted to get a banana, but we only had green ones (oh the humanity!) so I bought a red delicious apple instead. I picked up a container of fresh ground almond butter (no oil or salt added, just almonds) and ate it with my apple. I sliced the apple and spread the almond butter on it. And yum, the almond butter was so freshly ground that it was still warm! I told this to some friends and they were like "gross!", but I thought it tasted good. And it was a filling snack that held me over until lunch/dinner time. 

For lunch/dinner, I enjoyed another one of my homemade enchiladas! I really am so pleased with how good those taste! They don't seem like the vegan version of a dish, but just like a normal delicious meal I'd enjoy anytime. And they taste even better with a dollop of guacamole on top! I even bought more ingredients to make another batch of enchiladas on my upcoming days off!

We had a team meeting at Whole Foods tonight with pizza. I was assuming I just wouldn't get to eat any, but they ordered a special vegan and whole wheat veggie pizza just for us E2ers!!! It didn't have cheese, but tons of veggies and really was good. It went fast, but I was able to grab a nice big middle slice! 


After the meeting, I was pretty hungry again, so I had a late night bowl of Raisin Bran with added sliced almonds and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It's so stinkin good! 

Oh, one thing I wanted to add is that I've been taking a vitamin B12 supplement. At the meeting with Rip, he said that the US Nutrition Board says everyone over the age of 50 needs to supplement with B12. So...interesting! I got a deal on the supplements so picked some up. If you're open to trying supplements, maybe you could give this one a try.

I've been getting compliments on my progress and stomach slim down, and I appreciate it. I do worry, though, about the weight I'll gain after this because I know I can't be 100% strict to this plan. I'm going to still eat much better, cooking with no or less oil, watching my salt and avoiding sugar. I realize how many sodas I drank before. I typically don't set out to order a soda, but I started to eat a lot of fast food and they'd ask if I'd like to upgrade to a combo and I'd always mindlessly add a soda on. I don't need those calories and sugar. At all!

So, anyway, I've learned a lot and will learn more over the next 2 weeks. Thanks to all of you who have read my blog each day! I appreciate it!!

Today I felt: Dizzy at times, thankful God created avocados, and glad to not have intestinal distress!

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